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 I have finally finished organizing all those recipes. You will now find tabs at the top (look up) leading to individual recipe categories. ...


So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Galatians 6:9

Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished! Luke 1:45

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Block Bummer Summer

This has not been a 'blockbuster' summer for us. I don't think we've gone to see a single summer blockbuster. Actually, I'm wrong. We did go to see Fantastic Four and the third Pirates. The one we were most looking forward to though, Transformers, we didn't go to see after reading about it on Plugged In. Even though they marketed it as a kid's movie, they for some reason felt it necessary to add many un-kid-friendly elements. The other two I don't think were marketed as much to children and despite some suggestiveness and words, I felt okay about the kids seeing them. As for the other selections that have been available, well, they haven't been worth seeing; at least, according to the opinion of my children. Last summer, we had plenty of kid friendly selections that at least would interest children -- both cartoon and live action. For some reason this year, it's been toddler or teen audiences and nothing for the in betweens.

I just don't seem to understand what Hollywood is doing anymore. Do they even know who their audience is? And what I REALLY don't understand is why parents take children into this stuff and then just sit there. Ever heard the saying "Trash in, trash out." A friend of mine went to see Transformers with her children not realizing what was in it. She said she wasn't sure if she was more disturbed by what was on the screen or by the parents sitting with their children laughing at the scene. I am finding myself more and more disgusted by the lack of decent entertainment available for us.

Several years ago, we got a TV Guardian. This wonderful device filters out certain words from regular tv. We had decided to get one anyway once the budget allowed but by my birthday, I couldn't take it anymore, so I just asked for that to be my gift. I didn't realize just how nice it was until we were visiting someone and their tv was on. Both my husband and I found ourselves wincing repeatedly at the words that we hadn't even noticed before. And that was just in one half hour show.

Have writers today just gotten so inept that they automatically resort to cursing, sex, and crude jokes? I don't understand where creativity has gone. What made shows great a few decades ago was not all that stuff. The things we remember were smart and snappy. They didn't have to resort to third grade boy's bathroom humor. Have you watched Nickelodeon lately? That's supposed to be a channel for children. So is Cartoon Network. What is going on with our society? I have a feeling that it won't be long before we will be joining many of the other families I know who are now 'unplugged' completely (their televisions are for videos only) if these kinds of offerings are all that's available. I really hope that Hollywood gets a clue soon.

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