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So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Galatians 6:9

Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished! Luke 1:45

Friday, September 17, 2010

A Real Inheritance

In my Bible study this morning, one of the questions she asked stayed with me. The text had to do with Jeroboam, son of Nebat. That is one of the names that sticks with you throughout the history that is recorded. Several times, it says of some evil king that their actions were evil like "Jeroboam, son of Nebat."

How would you like a rep like that? She contrasted David, whom everyone remembers as a man after God's own heart, with Jeroboam. I had never thought to do that but it is quite a contrast.

And quite a lesson. A reputation, good or bad, will stick around long past anything else that we do. Our physical bodies won't last as long. Our homes and the inheritance we leave for our children won't last as long. But our good name can be forever.

Over the last few days and weeks and months, I have been overwhelmed with the love of friends. I have experienced it in lots of ways. It's hit me over and over again how blessed I am to have the people I have in my life.

Women, in particular, I think, tend to go through waves where they feel they are useless, unappreciated, or unable to contribute anything to anyone. I've heard every woman I know battle that in some form or other. I would have to agree with one of the books I read (although I am unsure of its title right now) which suggested that feeling of uselessness and being unnecessary is probably one of Satan's greatest weapons against us.

We are individually chosen by God to receive His love. The Creator of the Universe stooped down, pointed at you, and said, "You're the one!" Just think about that for a minute.

I spoke about mentoring yesterday. To me, that is a reflection of God's love to us. We receive from others as we have need and pass on to others as we can fill their need. No matter what need we fill, it is God's love we are passing on.

To those people, the friends(both ones you know and ones you don't yet) with whom you pass God's love back and forth, your name means something. It speaks of someone who is special to them, who is significant to them, or who they feel significant to. I still speak of friends who showed God to me in their actions even though it was years ago. They aren't like the title of that book I mentioned. I still remember their names. They have a legacy with me, a good reputation. That is something that will probably last long past my health, my family, my home and things. And some day, I may get to greet that person in Heaven and say, "Remember when..."

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