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So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Galatians 6:9

Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished! Luke 1:45

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Give Credit Where Credit Is Due -- NOT!

So, in my Wednesday night ladies class, we are studying using this book. Despite the very un-Biblical title, it is VERY Scriptural. Sometimes she's throwing so many verses at us, we have to duck. We are currently on the chapter called "Managing your Children."

A couple of weeks ago, on a Wednesday night, my husband asked what we were studying. I told him we were talking about our spouses. Knowing the format, he asked with a laugh if it was called "Managing your Husband." After giving him a thoroughly offended look, I informed him that the chapter was "Managing your Marriage" thank you very much.

But I have to laugh because I am currently riding a serious wave of Mom Cred in there. Last week, my child's one time teacher told everyone she was the only one who knew who Ananias and Sapphira were (in the children's class). And this week, it was my son (and only mine) who showed up outside soaking wet with an umbrella in the middle of a sudden downpour to escort me to the car -- a very gentlemanly thing to do.

Now I know a few of them read my blog so they can choose whether or not to tattle on me but here's what they didn't know.

Hubby was kind enough to point out that the Dude may have been motivated in a small part by the fact that he had been found out. He slacked off in school some and wasn't completely honest about it. He probably thought I was going to let him get away with it too. But we had no time to have a major drama before we left for the church building so I decided to wait and discuss it with Hubby afterward. That is not to say of course that Dude isn't so much a gentleman. He often without other motivation opens doors (including the car door) for me and others and is very polite and considerate for the most part. But my mom cred for that particular event may be undeserved. Especially since it could have been seen as a 'suck up.'

As for the Bible scholar, well, at the time, I thought to myself -- they do go to a Christian school where they have Bible every day and chapel once a week. So I didn't feel like I could really be held responsible for that either. I've actually learned differently now (more on that later).

But the point was -- I'm no Mom-of-the-Year regardless of how it sounded to them. I'm not sure if I'll tell all of them though. I'll take any kind of cred I can get. Even if it is false Mom Creds. My account's a little low.

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