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So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Galatians 6:9

Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished! Luke 1:45

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

What's Growin' Wednesday

 I guess having about 40 lbs. removed from their vines made my watermelon plant pretty happy. I noticed two more growing on the ground shortly after. 

Two more watermelons sounded good. Hey hey!

Then I noticed two hanging from vines that had traveled along the top of our fence. Hubby unraveled one and lay it on the ground with the two others. When I asked if he had done the second one, he said he didn't realize there were two hanging. So I went out to unravel the other and lay it on the ground.

But I saw four already laying on the ground. 

Wait a minute. The other hanging one had been at the opposite end of the others. Hmm. A little investigating and I found her. So I unraveled it and lay it on the ground.

 One had been hiding from me with the first two I saw growing. So I didn't see it until it got a little bigger. So, yes, if you are counting, I now have five more watermelons in the works.

Possibly six. When I was weeding, I thought I might cut off a vine that was just stretching out into nowhere it seemed. When I lifted it, I saw one about the size of a jawbreaker at its end. I'm not counting on it yet though because the vine made a crunching noise when I lifted it so I may have broken it. 

I think we'll be okay though.

What on earth will I do with five watermelons? (Shaking my head in wonder)

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