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 I have finally finished organizing all those recipes. You will now find tabs at the top (look up) leading to individual recipe categories. ...


So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Galatians 6:9

Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished! Luke 1:45

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Another FCH Class

Saturday was another Future Christian Homemaker's class. This time I was on my own as the teacher. My partner in crime had been called into duty as a babysitter and the other adult who has been helping was not available. I usually have a couple of students and their moms too but both those students were absent.

So it was me and the Chick plus five students (we were missing several). Never mind though. We still had fun and I have to say that I really did.

We made butter cakes from scratch and then decorated them. The curriculum writer had noted that this class was usually the girl's favorite and I don't doubt that, if not our own girls' favorite so far, it had to rank right up there. I used to do cakes for two separate Baskin-Robbins locations and I loved it. So this was one class that was right up my alley.

And, if I don't say so myself, the lesson about decorating the world God's way was pretty good too.

"Why do you keep taking pictures?"

Filling our pans with batter

"What in the world is this thing for?"

Looks yummy, doesn't it!

Working on our practice cake

Frosting is an important part of the process.

And decorating...well, not to be punny, but it's the 'icing on the cake' and that's no lie.

See why we had such a good time.


Amanda said...

Okay, FCH leader, I have a question. I am making yogurt. I heated the milk but I forgot to let it cool down to the right temp. I just mixed in the yogurt started and then re-read the instructions. Do you think I killed the bacteria in the yogurt? I'm going to let it sit anyway and try to become yogurt. What do you think?

Born Blonde said...

I would think probably so. My experience with yogurt is that it is all about the temperature. But it doesn't hurt to try it anyway. Or you could let it cool down and try adding some more starter.

Hope it works out. :)

Amanda said...

I'm irritated with myself. The first time I followed the instructions religiously and it turned out perfect. It was so perfect that I should have blogged about it. I guess if it doesn't set well I could use it to make yogurt smoothies. Unless, I totally killed all the good bacteria and now I just have warm, yucky milk sitting in my crockpot. gross.

Born Blonde said...

If it turns out just runny, you can use Hillbilly Housewife's recipe to make it custard like. Let me know if you need the recipe. I can't find it on her site.

Born Blonde said...

I found it. It's listed under "Creamy Fruit Dip" but I don't know why. It was originally called custard style yogurt.

Amanda said...

Update: yogurt success. and I am not bragging. ever.