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 I have finally finished organizing all those recipes. You will now find tabs at the top (look up) leading to individual recipe categories. ...


So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Galatians 6:9

Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished! Luke 1:45

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

What's Growing Wednesday

 My watermelons continue to astound me with the way they grow. Although measurable growth has slowed down dramatically, they are still maturing and I'm beginning to look forward to tasting my very first grown-by-me watermelon. 

Remember when I was measuring them by my index finger. The second one is about the same size as this one.

And last week, I discovered this little fella too.

I think something actually cut into it so I'm not sure if it will make it.

The cucumbers are still surprising me with just how much they make. I just looked at this a day or two ago and it was still not quite where I wanted it to be so I left it on the vine. Now it's huge and I have two of these. I'm thinking of trying my hand at relish next so that may be what these two become.

Rugrat is a big fan of pickle relish.

I have become convinced that if someone wants to learn about camouflage, they should study cucumber plants. The things really know how to hide and several times I have found one that grew a little longer than I would have let it because I never saw it there.

The plants have a bunch of little ones on it though so I am thinking we will just have little waves of cucumbers ripening rather than a steady few every day. That's fine by me. I don't have to worry about not having enough to do something with them that way. 

They are awfully cute though when they're so small.

My tomatoes are finally looking like they'll do something more. For a couple of weeks now, they've just had green ones on them. I've actually been pretty disappointed in my tomatoes this year. I've never had a plant that didn't consistently make several. This year I have three and I've barely gotten anything off of them. 

I guess there's always next year though.

My newest addition seems to be doing well. The luffa plants look healthy and seem happy. 

Yep. That's the same kind you buy at the store for washing/exfoliating with. Did you realize those were actually a type of gourd? They are. And you can eat it if you harvest it when it's tender. Or you can allow them to dry out. That's how you get the bath accessory. 

Both Chick and I have wanted to try growing them for a few years but never got seeds until this year. So this is an experiment this year. And we're both excited to see them grow.

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