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 I have finally finished organizing all those recipes. You will now find tabs at the top (look up) leading to individual recipe categories. ...


So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Galatians 6:9

Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished! Luke 1:45

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

More About Me

I believe I stopped on #34 so I guess I better finish this. Otherwise, it will drive me nuts. Speaking of which:

34. I can't stand pieces of things. People in my house should not open the next bottle of shampoo, etc. until the last one is gone. It DRIVES ME CRAZY to have a bunch of open bottles of something and none of it being used until its gone. I mean, honestly, can we discuss this for a moment. How difficult is it to finish the bottle before opening another one. If you don't want to finish it, THROW IT AWAY. This is probably the biggest way to tick me off on a personal level. Why would you think I want it sitting around. If you don't want it anymore and don't plan to use it -- soon-- get rid of it! That's all I ask. I don't want to look at it for the next thirty years. Just thinking about this makes me boil inside.

35. I have an obsession with containers. I have probably never admitted that out loud but I do. And especially unusual ones (defined as one I do not have). I love boxes, bags, bowls, baskets, all of it. Look at that, alliteration. Huh. I love finding new shaped ones at the dollar store too.

36. My husband says I should let you all know I have a size 7 1/2 foot. I guess that counts as a random fact.

37. My daughter was born naturally after 12 hours of labor and thanks to a dumb army doctor resulting in a third degree tear. Yum. My son was born via c-section after 25 hours labor and the doctor remarked when delivering him that she didn't think he'd fit through the cut she'd made. Note to self: stay away from doctors near knives.

38. I am currently 'pregnant on paper' and approximately 9 months out from our LID. Yay! Given current estimates, I will 'deliver' in about 9 to 11 months.

39. I learned to decorate cakes while working at Baskin-Robbins. I loved working there too. I would bring home ice cream mess ups and my husband, who worked at Pizza Hut, would bring home pizza mess ups. So dinner was pizza and ice cream. We were living the life!

40. Almost there. I am a dog person. I love all animals ('cept snakes -- I just can't deal with them, they give me the creeps) but give me a dog and I am a happy camper. Cats are nice but I think the reason I like the one we have so much now is because she has moments when she acts like a dog. At least to me.

41. I do not like strawberries, coconut, or pineapple. I can deal with pineapple juice if its mixed in with some other juice.

42. I tend to be a jack of all trades (master of none) when it comes to my work history. Being a stay-at-home mom is my true love. I am thankful each day that I have a husband who believes in my 'profession' as much as I do.

43. Even at the ripe old age of 36, I do not nor have ever really liked coffee. When I was very little, I used to get up and drink my mother's coffee from the previous evening that had been sitting out all night. Gross, huh. But that is probably the only time I ever cared for it in any way.

44. While I dearly love chocolate, what I usually crave is meat. When I was in the later elementary grades, I would come home and eat a hot dog or something because I had been craving some kind of meat all day. Now I usually just reheat some leftovers.

45. I don't really care for cold food. Ice cream is good but even that I can do without and not suffer over much. I especially am not a fan of sandwiches. My husband can and does make a sandwich out of just about anything. But not me. If we have to carry our lunch on a field trip, that is probably what presents about the biggest problem for me. What kind of sandwich will I make for myself? We're talking a couple of days minimum of deliberation. My son had Boy Scout day camp this summer and I was an adult volunteer. 5 days of lunches. Yuck! I think I ended up going to a little less traditional lunch by the end of it. Most days I had sandwiches, I didn't even finish them. I just don't like sandwiches. I even toast my bread for tuna.

46. I hate to mop. I worked helping clean the church for a time and it didn't bother me to mop there. I actually kind of liked it. But at home, it just seems so stupid. You have to sweep the floor, move all the furniture, drag out a bucket, fill it with hot water and soap. All of that to mop for 5 minutes. What's the deal with that? If I have to do all of that, it should be for a real cleaning job. Preparation for a 5 minute job should take 5 minutes or less -- not 30. That's also why I hate to wash dishes by hand. I don't mind the actual washing. What I hate is the sorting the dishes, stacking them on the counter and making a place for them to dry.

47. I'm not a big soda fan. Every once in a while, I want a coke but that's pretty much it. Now that I've been off it so long, too many in a short time (like while traveling or visiting) starts giving me the shakes and making me nervous.

48. I rarely wear shoes at home. Until I discovered houseshoes in the last few years, I would wear socks almost constantly. I wore them outside to check the mail, take out the trash, whatever. I always have too. Socks are probably the one item of clothing I go through really fast. And they are almost invariably brown on the bottoms. It's terrible, I know.

49. My favorite breakfast is buttered homemade biscuits and honey. Mmmm. Drooling.

50. I carry in my purse a letter from one of my World Bible School students. I got it in approximately 1992. It is basically an update of the ripple effect of my sending one lesson to the man. At the time, he was running his own bible school in his town. Thinking of it always makes me smile.

There you go. That's 50. I don't think I'll try for 100. 50 was hard enough. I think I am fairly boring and I like it that way. Interesting people are always stressed out. Hope you have a wonderful, boring day!

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