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 I have finally finished organizing all those recipes. You will now find tabs at the top (look up) leading to individual recipe categories. ...


So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Galatians 6:9

Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished! Luke 1:45

Thursday, July 24, 2008

A More Fit Mii

Remember when I said a lot of people I know are suddenly on a health kick. I guess it must be somewhat contagious.

It's not my fault though. On my first day back to work, after talking about getting one for 15 hours of driving home, there sat one lonely Wii Fit waiting for someone to buy it.

So now it has a home. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the kids seem to love it even though it's exercise. It has games that they get into but they also like the straight up exercises too. Hubby and I have been doing it as well. When it measures us, it makes our little people all chubby. I think they must lose weight as we do but I'm not sure that's a feature I would have added.

Possibly the most annoying thing it does is give this little surprised "oh" when Hubby or I step onto the board. May I just say this to the designers: having a piece of plastic yelp in terror when I step onto it does NOT motivate me.

But I did make one surprising discovery -- I like yoga or at least the Wii version. I always associated yoga with hippies, macrame, granola, and yoghurt (when it was still spelled with an 'h'). But I actually enjoy doing it and I love how loose my muscles feel when I'm done. So I may have to look further into the yoga thing and see just how close to actual yoga it is.

Wii... may be a little more fit soon. You never know.


Mary J said...

I have been tempted by this Wii Fit, but have yet to give up the outdoor runs. Glad you like it too, I am hearing great things about it.

bekster said...

Tommy was finally able to get it (after months of checking and it being consistently sold out). He really likes it. I tried it out once when someone else let us borrow theirs and it seemed pretty cool. I haven't had a chance to do it for real yet, but it seems like it would be fun. I just need it to hold me accountable somehow...

Amanda said...

I know how to make my own granola and yoghurt but not my own macrame. Does that make me a hippy?