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So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Galatians 6:9

Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished! Luke 1:45

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Pitter Pat Beats the Heart

I was reading a blogger's rememberings about the shows she used to enjoy as a child and I got started thinking about some of the things I used to love on tv. That led, inevitably, to remembering the 'heart throbs" I used to be nuts over. Probably everyone in my home knew just what I thought of him:

Shawn Cassidy. Just look at his feathered hair. How could any girl see straight with him around. Natalie (from Fact's of Life) wasn't the only one. I'm with ya, sista.

Then, of course, there was Bo Duke (John Schneider). I think every girl I knew was in love with him.

Hmm, I guess I had a thing for blonde men. That changed though as you can see. My most recent heart throb.

That's our engagement picture. Wow, we were young. We'll soon celebrate 17 years of marriage and I wouldn't mind at all another 17 years.

It always bothers me to hear married women, at work or out and about, making comments about how 'hot' some actor is or talking about someone becoming their "next ex-husband." Way to give your marriage a chance.

Not that I believe they are totally serious about it, but why even joke about something like divorce or being attracted to someone else. I didn't deal with divorce in my family but I've seen how it affects others and that's serious enough that no one should ever throw the word around so casually. So I challenge you today to let your current heart throb know how much you love and appreciate him.

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