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So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Galatians 6:9

Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished! Luke 1:45

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Proverbs 31 Woman

Thinking back over my prayer journals, one thought comes up a lot. I want to be a better wife and mother. There is a description of a woman that begins in Proverbs 31:10 that is THE woman. I've decided to go through it one verse a week and look into what makes her tick. I can work on the same traits in my own life and maybe feel like I'm getting somewhere. Join me on Thursdays when I'll share this week's verse.
P.S. please forgive all the funky fonts -- blogger and word apparently do not get along. i try to fix it as I catch it but sometimes it jumps right back to the weird stuff.

See Verse 21 here.


Proverbs 31:22
She makes her own bedspreads.
She dresses in fine linen and purple gowns.

Character Traits:
skilled; representing her family well

Character Trait 1:


ability that comes from training or practice; a developed or acquired ability

Verses in the Bible about it:
Proverbs 14:15

A wise person is hungry for knowledge,
while the fool feeds on trash.

Proverbs 18:15

Intelligent people are always ready to learn.
Their ears are open for knowledge.


The Proverbs woman is not only skilled but adding to her skills so that she can continue taking care of her family in a manner that shows her love and care for them.

Character Trait 2:

Representing her family well


--to present a picture, image, or likeness of; to serve as an example or instance of

Verses in the Bible about it:

I had a hard time finding verses that spoke specifically to this trait.


Pride in oneself and one’s familial standing is something that has a place in such a woman’s life. While I imagine she would not be one who was too good for someone or thing, I still see her as a woman who would be careful to represent her family in a dignified way in public.

Conclusion for this verse:
She is a woman who makes an effort to continue learning skills that will benefit her family. This is obvious in that she can make these things and also in the desire to make sure her family members, as well as herself, are dressed in such a way that others can see that are they are cared for and loved.

This hardworking woman has encouraged me to add to my own skill set. She has also encouraged me to make more of an effort in representing my family (and my God) well, whether it be in my self-respect by the manner of dress or if it is in my behavior around others.

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