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A Little Change

 I have finally finished organizing all those recipes. You will now find tabs at the top (look up) leading to individual recipe categories. ...


So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Galatians 6:9

Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished! Luke 1:45

Monday, September 21, 2020

Jars of Good Stuff

 Thanks to this being one of our larger apple harvests, this was also one of my largest canning of apples years. 18 quarts of applesauce, 7 quarts of apple pie filling, and 7 pints of apple pie filling. This was the first year I actually had to go buy more jars. And we went through over 5 pounds of lemons. After all the applesauce, I gave in and actually bought one of these:

It made things much easier. I realized after the first batch though that I needed to follow the advice on one of my canning Facebook pages and set the slicer blade down so that I could hand cut the slices thicker. It slices them very thin so they don't stand up very well to the cooking involved in canning. 

My water bath pot is only able to hold 4 quarts at a time so I still would have to do my canning over a week or two but it wouldn't mean quite as many hours a night peeling and preparing the apples for cooking. I'm definitely looking forward to using this next year.

Now on to canning the remaining pumpkins given us from my mother's house before they start getting too soft.

Our pantry is feeling very blessed this year! And full.

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