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So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Galatians 6:9

Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished! Luke 1:45

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

There and Back Again

Our Christmas trip was fun but tiring.

There was a lot of driving, a lot of food, a lot of driving, a lot of games, a lot of driving, a lot of cold weather, a lot of driving, and a lot of good friends and family visits.

Oh,... and a lot of driving.

Hubby tried some of the 10 hour energy things that I got for free from CVS last month. It contained no caffeine, no sugar, nothing bad. He said the way it worked was that it took 10 hours to get the horrible taste out of your mouth (and there was no way you could sleep with that taste on your tongue).

Here's a nice picture of Dude and Chick with their godmother and her hubby. We attained him after getting Chick and Dude. So he's sort of 'godfathered' in. Hee hee.

There was some playing on Uncle & Aunt's Wii.

There was even some irritable blogger who got sick of her children sticking the camera in her face.

But I suppose turnabout is fair play. (Yeah. Look at that. That's why I'm BEHIND the camera.)

There was some of this on New Year's Eve -- better known in our house as Chick's birthday (and the anniversary of the single most un-fun New Year's Eve I've ever had).

And of course some of this while I sacked out once we got home.

Good times, good times.

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