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So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Galatians 6:9

Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished! Luke 1:45

Thursday, February 3, 2011

At the Top of the Roller Coaster

Did you think the ride was over? No, no. Don't worry. See that couple of days in Arkansas after China was just the pause at the top of the roller coaster ride... you know, where you can look out and get a good idea just how high you are -- or if you prefer, just how far down you're going to fly in a little metal box only attached to earth by a couple of rails.

God knew this too. He sent horrendous weather to make us lie still for an extra day. So rather than leaving for South Carolina on Monday, we left on Tuesday. We made it back just about 30 minutes before we would have to leave for church on Wednesday night. A quick hair brush and change of clothes and we were on our way to introduce Emily to the extended family who had cheered on and encouraged us through our wait for her.

Thursday ended up being our breather. We washed clothes and hung out. The fun began again on Friday as we completed our shutting off of utilities and such and the kids went for one last visit during lunch at their school. The movers arrived Saturday morning and that afternoon we headed to a good bye party at the church. Finally, Sunday we went to service where tears were shed and goodbye hugs given. Lunch with family friends and one last life group was enjoyed.

That Monday morning, I drove Hubby to the airport so he could get back to work. After waiting a short time for the pest control man and an unending amount of time for the haul-away guy, the kids (all 3), the dog, the cat, and I piled into the car which had significantly shrunk in space due to the stuff that got left and headed for Arkansas where we would stop before going on the Oklahoma.

I budgeted for a stop but ended up going straight through to Little Rock. We left the next evening for Oklahoma which allowed me to go to the walk-through for our new house on Wednesday. The weather dumped all kinds of ice and snow on us that evening but it melted quickly and by closing on Thursday, we gave ourselves some extra time and got there safely. Hubby had called and found out that the movers were planning to deliver our things on, of all days, Friday so we spent our first night in our new house and the kids and I watched (while Hubby called from work for updates) as our new house quickly filled with boxes and furniture.

Are you tired yet? I sure was.

Because Emily was still waiting to meet one grandmother and set of aunts/uncle/cousin, we turned right around and headed back to Arkansas (this time to the lower section) to visit them. The cat was quite happy to spend her weekend exploring a significantly larger house filled with mystery boxes. And Rocky, well, he was just confused... but happy to be with his people wherever they were.

By Sunday evening, we were back and things began to look and feel a little more normal. We're still working on it but I think things have settled down now and we are feeling more like a family than a bunch of gypsies finally. The months of December and January are pretty much just a blur in my head. It's hard to separate which days belong to which month. Maybe they'll become a little more distinct as time pulls them backwards but if not, that's okay. I don't remember more than specific moments of the days surrounding the birth of my other two children either. The moments I remember though are the ones that stood out and are significant to me. I'm sure that's how it will be with Emily too.

Like the tears in the eyes of my good, senior friend at the church party. Or the words written in a card by another friend -- "I won't say goodbye" because she knew she'd see me again. Or the love shared by a circle of friends as I tried to express how wonderful that gathering was. Like watching my mother actually ache to hold her in the airport. Or seeing my son pick her up for the first time.

And, of course, watching her bloom and transform into a positively outgoing child as she realizes that she is safe because we are there. No matter how scary or exhausting the ride, those are the things that made it worth getting on in the first place.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I am SO glad that you believed that God would accomplish what he promised. He is so good to us.