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A Little Change

 I have finally finished organizing all those recipes. You will now find tabs at the top (look up) leading to individual recipe categories. ...


So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Galatians 6:9

Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished! Luke 1:45

Friday, February 17, 2012

Lazy Days

I have been enjoying a lot of the 'norm' lately. I have to admit it's very nice to get back to the 'norm' again. Life has slowed a bit. It is a lot less stressful and chaotic. I think this must just be my down time. I know more chaos is coming but it always seems like there are peaks and valleys in everything. How nice of God to plan that for us.

I feel quite lazy lately actually but I don't think I really have been. I just haven't really been going above and beyond. I haven't been striving too hard for perfection either. I've just been enjoying each day -- staying in my pjs until 10:00, baking whatever I want, playing with the Rugrat, hanging out with Chick and Dude, cleaning what needs it but not really sticking to my schedule, etc.

I'm sure I'll snap out of it soon. But I have to admit it's kind of nice to give myself a break. Life got really hectic there for a bit. I'm kind of glad it's calmed. And I'm starting to look forward to all the fun stuff that's coming up. I know it will be fun because it won't be more stress piled on top of stress that's already there.

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