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So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Galatians 6:9

Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished! Luke 1:45

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Why Men Want Sons

Why do Men want sons?
So they can play with their toys, of course.

The Dude with "Venom"

A couple of Saturdays ago, we had what will be the Dude's last official Cub Scout Pinewood Derby. I am always amused to see how many of the Dads seem more invested in the cars than their sons. My whole family has chuckled at scenes of Dads checking and fussing over cars and rockets (at the Space Derby) while their children play in the background completely oblivious and uncaring about "their" entry and whether its ready to race.

At one Space Derby, I have a picture of my son placing his rocket into its track amongst 4 or 5 Dads who were placing their entries. Hubby had remarked that he supposed the Dads didn't trust their sons to get it on there correctly.

I suppose its good that they are so involved. As long as that's all it is. I have felt great sadness to hear a few of the scouts remark that they didn't help make theirs at all though most usually have a hand in.

I am so thankful that Hubby has never been like that. He initially did more of the work but as the Dude became more adept and was able to take over after being shown how to do something, Hubby would back off and let him do as much as he could. He usually offers suggestions but has not to my knowledge ever forced his opinion about how to do the vehicle on our son.

So even when his car or rocket hasn't placed terribly high, he still feels good about what he created.

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