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So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Galatians 6:9

Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished! Luke 1:45

Friday, May 15, 2009


Hubby and I have been talking about the Dude's athletic ability lately. There really isn't a sport that calls to him. We would like for there to be -- if only for the sake of exercise -- but there just doesn't seem to be.

Unfortunately, this is my fault. He inherited his lack of ability from his mother. Hubby always claims he has no athletic ability either. But to him, that just means he isn't Shaq-like.

On the other hand, having no athletic ability to me is just that.

I remember one PE class in Junior High. I really liked the coach/teacher. She was a nice person and didn't act superior or mean to anyone, jock or not. But one day, she had us run in heats of 5 or 6 each. Then we raced against the people who had finished in the same position.

She was probably thinking, because she is athletic, of how great and motivated it would make some of the first-placers. I don't think she realized how hurtful it might be to the one who finished last of the last. I did. I was that one. And it wasn't for lack of trying.

That lack of mine has apparently not gone away either. We recently got Guitar Hero. Two songs I have completed. Countless times trying and two songs I can do.

On Easy setting.

Hubby and both kids have surpassed me in a major way -- now at the point that they can pretty much pick and choose what level they want to play at. My coordination just doesn't work that way.

And racquetball. Chick and I began the school year with her learning to play and me teaching her. Ability wise, we are now on even ground. Unfortunately what that means for me is that I have lost the last several games to her. And will probably continue to because the level that she has risen to is the same one I've been at since shortly after I began to play. I have no doubt she'll continue to get better. I could attempt to get better by practicing daily for hours on end. She would still surpass me. Oh, well.

I can still give Hubby a little more competition but I think that is more because we've been playing since before we married. I have a slight advantage over the Chick in knowing his style of game play. I still can't win against him. Or even come close. I only play for the fun of being together doing something he loves.

I suppose the Dude will learn to do the same. It would be nice if he could just enjoy the companionship and friendship of playing a game or sport without the competitive part of it.

Hubby is extremely competitive. Thankfully, he's never been like one of those parents that people talk bad about at children's sports games. And if he was, I still have plenty of gumption to set him straight.

Huh. Maybe that's what I got instead of coordination. I've got lots of gumption.


And stubborn-ness.

(I was gonna say it.)


Unknown said...

How funny! As I was reading your post, I was thinking about Greg's and my athletic abilities, and speculating, based on genetics, how coordinated our kids might be. I concluded that they will probably have at least a functional level of athleticism, since that's basically what I have, in that I can usually play a sport without too much embarrassment, but don't expect me to be "good." Greg is much more athletic. As I was pondering, though, Luke started fussing. I asked him what's wrong, and he complained, "I bit my hand!" Apparently on accident.

How do you accidentally bite your own hand? Hmmm, maybe I should rethink my assessment....:)

bekster said...

Yeah, I have very little athletic skill. There are things I would like to learn (such as dancing, which can be non-competitive), but I was always the "last" kid in P.E. too. My body just never did well with that kind of thing.

I CAN, however, play Guitar Hero. Tommy is better at it than I am, but I think I'm pretty decent at it in my own right. (Hand-eye coordination? Got it. Total body coordination? Not so much...)

I haven't bitten my own hand (recently), but I can't tell you how many times I have banged into door frames... which is always very embarrassing.

As for the Timinator, he should get into L.A.I.R.E. or some other D&D inspired thing where he has to actually get up and run around to "fight." Do they not do athletic things in Boy Scouts?

P.S. - I am wearing my belt today just for you. :)

Born Blonde said...

Scouts has athletic stuff but it isn't the whole focus. They concentrate on having a balance. They do survival skills along with everyday life skills and athletics with knowledge and spirituality. That kind of thing.