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So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Galatians 6:9

Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished! Luke 1:45

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Sick Baby

It seems like February is always a busy month no matter where we live. That's kind of crazy because it's the shortest one but there it is.

As it turns out, it is also the snow-iest here in Oklahoma, I think. Which means busy and hard to get around at times.

But here it is -- at its end. So I guess that means I've survived another one.

Rugrat has spent the last week with a nasty cold. I've gone to church for one, count it, one service in the last week. It started a week ago Wednesday so we didn't go because I was afraid she might have something. There has been a stomach virus going around and I wouldn't wish one of those on anyone. As I pointed out to Chick last night, I can't very well complain about people who bring their kids to class sick and expose the others if I do the same. So she didn't go to class last week.

Saturday night, she started in at 4 am waking up and crying (wailing would be a more appropriate word). After spending about an hour comforting her and settling her down enough to go back to bed, I was awakened twice more to her wailing. Finally at 6:30, I just got up and brought her downstairs. I gave her a pancake (from the freezer stash) to eat while I laid down on the couch with a throw blanket. The next thing I knew she came over and crawled in. And we both fell asleep.

For me, it was only to awaken about a half hour later to Hubby standing at my feet with a sleepy scowl on his face (the dog had woken him up to go out). I catnapped a little more even though it wasn't very comfortable. Rugrat had become a bag of bricks when she passed out across my chest and shoulder. I guess she had finally calmed down enough to sleep. She was OUT.

We woke up and got ready in time to make it to worship (but no class as she lamented). She had sounded a little funny and nasally since Wednesday but that morning was when the fun stuff started. She's been coughing and snuffling ever since. We had thought to go to our home group that evening but after her nap, we found she also had a fever.

That was the only appearance the fever ever made thankfully but her other cold symptoms were still nasty enough that only Hubby, Chick, and Dude went to class last night. She hasn't really been so miserable that I can't go somewhere but, for the most part, she's been staying home.

She has asked almost every day to go outside and play too. But on the days it wasn't raining or snowing, the wind has been whipping around at the freezing point so I'm hesitant to let her. Which means she's been a little over energetic a few days. So Chick and Dude have been enjoying it too (not!).

I'm thinking that she should be over it this weekend. If not, I'll be calling the doctor's office to see how much longer we need to wait to get antibiotics. With my allergies, I have lots of experience with sinus infections. And if it takes that long to get better, I'm thinking it would have to have developed into one.

Especially with her fantastic immune system -- one of the benefits of growing up in a place where every food or product isn't designed for "sensitive skin" or "allergen free" or the like. This is only the second cold she's gotten, I believe, since she's been with us.

So I can deal with that. 1 cold every year plus a little doesn't sound too bad. Just have to make sure I have plenty of entertainment on hand -- for me and her.

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