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So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Galatians 6:9

Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished! Luke 1:45

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Another First for Rugrat

As I was passing down the hall at church one day, one of the mothers of another child in Rugrat's Sunday School class stopped me to hand me a birthday party invitation. It made me smile to hear that her daughter had asked specifically that Rugrat be invited.

I had been under the impression that Rugrat mostly preferred adults -- well, actually, I thought she almost exclusively preferred adults. I'm sure that's in part because everyone here is or looks to be, in essence, an adult. But I also have been told that she was nanny favorite in the group home. And I've seen her in action. She tends to gravitate to and work her charm on the adults in the vicinity.

So I was pleased to hear that she apparently gets along and interacts with the kids in her class as well.

And I was excited to take her to her first American-type birthday par-dee. (Sorry, I saw 16 Candles a lot when I was a teen.)

The first hurdle was to go shopping for a gift for a 4-year-old and convince her it wasn't for her. I must have reminded her about 600 times in the store that it was for Tessa, not Rugrat.

Little sneak that she was, she still attempted at one point to suggest it was for her. When that didn't work, she chose a second gift and informed me while holding one up that it was for Tessa and the other was for Rugrat. No, afraid not.

So, she settled with putting 'hers' back and telling me we would get it "later." We'll see.

After that, with her finally seeming to understand that she wouldn't be keeping it, we made a trip to the dollar store where I let her choose some shiny wrap and ribbon to wrap it in. Again, I had to remind her it was to wrap Tessa's gift; not for her to play with.

Which didn't keep her from taking it off the counter to look at and slap the ribbon until I finally had to set a boundary. She isn't the most gentle child when she plays with such things.

On Saturday, she immediately asked me upon getting up in the morning if we were going to the party. I had to remind her it wasn't time yet. Thank goodness it was at 10:30 that morning or I might have gone crazy having to tell her that all day.

This was certainly a good party to be her first. Both sisters were celebrating so they had put some energy into the decor and games. It was all in a princess theme which my little diva had no problem with. Someone had actually created a kid-sized castle out of refrigerator cardboard boxes. And they had "Gigi, God's little princess" movies projected on the wall to watch.

Shortly after we got there, the games began. First they made their crowns (and/or shields as well if desired).

Can you see her sweet little fingers there? Two different people commented (as have others at other times) about the way she wears her play ring all the time. It is a child's toy from the party section but is still much too big for her little fingers. She has others that are toddler sized but she just loves those particular ones so much. She wears it to church, the store, in the bath, to bed, pretty much every place we go and keeps it on. It falls off occasionally but she knows exactly when. And somehow, though I don't know how, manages to keep it on her finger the majority of the time.

She completed her crown but lost interest in her shield and ended up leaving it behind. She didn't leave behind the balloon sword though. They had made literally dozens of them with the balloons that clowns use to shape into animals. They were a big hit! I have to remember that.

They also had jousting, complete with stick horses and a jousting 'arena' with targets. That might have been a little ambitious for toddlers though. Few of them got into it even after a dad's demonstration.

Then it was time for cake. Rugrat likes her some cake!

It didn't hurt that it had strawberries on it either. Cake with fruit is nirvana in her eyes.

I had expected a few tears when the presents were opened but she had none. She sat in my lap and told me very solemnly, "Tessa take it home." I confirmed that for her.

It was time for us to go soon after so I said our goodbyes. Rugrat was pleasantly surprised to be handed a goody bag though. And, as we left, she kept asking me, "Present for [me]?"

When I told her yes, I think she decided birthday parties for other people weren't so bad. After all, she got to go run around with the kids, make a crown and take it home, carry home a balloon sword, eat cake, with strawberries, and was given a present just for coming.

Sounds like a pretty good time to me too.

Except for the strawberries part. You know how I feel about strawberries. ugh.

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